90 Crochet Trivet Patterns To Bring Your Outdoor Into Home With Style

Have you ever gazed at your dinner table and felt it lacked a certain zest? You’re not alone. Bare tables can be uninspiring, leaving your home’s ambiance flat. But fear not! As a seasoned crochet wizard, I’ve conjured up a whimsical solution.

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crochet trivet

Picture this: a collection of 90 crochet trivet patterns, each a gateway to infuse your indoor space with an outdoor charm.

Embark on a crafting adventure with me, where we’ll turn ordinary yarn into extraordinary table art. With hook in hand, we’ll transform mundane meals into enchanting gatherings. These patterns aren’t just practical; they’re conversation starters brimming with personality and style.

So, let’s dive into a world where each loop and stitch adds magic to your home. From vibrant florals to intricate geometrics, your tables will always be different. Ready your hooks, my fellow craft enthusiasts—it’s time to bring the great outdoors in, one stitch at a time!

The Brief History Of Art Of Crocheting Trivets

The art of crocheting trivets is steeped in a rich tapestry of history, dating back to when resourcefulness was the mother of invention.

In the early days, homemakers would repurpose scraps of yarn and fabric, weaving them into practical items for everyday use. Among these creations were trivets—functional yet often ornate mats to protect tables and countertops from hot dishes.

As crochet techniques evolved, so did the complexity and beauty of trivet patterns. From the ornate designs of the Victorian era to the bold and colorful statements of the 1960s, crochet trivets have mirrored the artistic and cultural trends of their times.

These small yet significant pieces have always been more than just table protectors; they’re snapshots of history woven by the hands of skilled artisans.

Today, crochet trivets stand as a testament to the enduring appeal of handicrafts. They bridge generations, connecting us to the past while allowing us to imprint our modern styles and preferences. What was once born out of necessity has flourished into a vibrant form of artistic expression, making the humble trivet a beloved heirloom in homes worldwide.

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Basic Stitches To Crochet A Trivet

Crocheting a trivet is a delightful project that can cater to both beginners and seasoned crafters. Here are some basic stitches you can use to create your functional art piece:

  • Chain Stitch (ch): This is the foundation of all crochet projects. By making loops and pulling yarn through them, you create a chain that serves as the base for other stitches.
  • Single Crochet (sc): Insert the hook into the desired stitch and yarn over, pull through, yarn over again, and pull through both loops on the hook. It’s a compact stitch, perfect for dense, sturdy trivets.
  • Double Crochet (dc): Yarn over (yo), slide (insert) the hook into the stitch, yarn over (yo) and tug (pull) through, yarn over (yo) and tug (pull) through two loops, then yarn over again and pull through the remaining two loops. This stitch is taller and creates a more airy fabric.
  • HDC (Half Double Crochet): Start by yarn over, insert the hook into the stitch, yarn over (yo) and tug (pull) through, yarn over (yo), and tug (pull) via all three loops on the hook. This stitch is between a single and double crochet in height, offering a nice balance of density and speed.
  • Slip Stitch (sl st): Insert the hook into the stitch, yarn over, and pull the yarn through both the stitch and the loop on the hook. This stitch is often used for joining rounds or adding subtle surface texture.
  • Treble Crochet (tr): Yarn over twice, insert the hook into the stitch, yarn over (yo) and tug (pull) through, [yarn over (yo) and tug (pull) through two loops] three times. This tall stitch creates a looser fabric, which can be helpful for decorative trivets.
  • Bobble Stitch: Combine several double crochets into one stitch, then close them together at the top, creating a textured “bobble” effect. It adds a fun, tactile element to your trivet.
  • Shell Stitch: Multiple stitches (usually five double crochets) are worked into the same stitch, creating a shell or fan shape. This decorative stitch can add a touch of elegance to your trivet design.

How Long Should A Trivet Be?

The size of a crocheted trivet is primarily determined by its intended use and personal preference. Generally, trivets are designed to protect surfaces from hot pots, pans, and dishes, so their size should be appropriate for the kitchenware you commonly use. Here are some standard sizes and their typical uses:

  • Small Trivets (4-6 inches): These are ideal for smaller items like teacups, coffee mugs, or small bowls. They’re quick to make and great for using up yarn scraps.
  • Medium Trivets (7-9 inches): This size is versatile and can accommodate most standard bowls and plates. It’s a common choice for everyday dining use.
  • Large Trivets (10-12 inches and up): Large trivets are suitable for big serving dishes, pots, and pans. They’re handy for family meals, gatherings, or serving dishes directly from the oven or stovetop to the table.
  • Ultimately, the “right” size for a trivet is subjective and should be tailored to your specific needs. When deciding on the size, consider the following:
  • Functionality: Ensure the trivet is large enough to comfortably fit the base of your pots and dishes, providing adequate surface protection.
  • Proportion: Consider the size of your table or the space where you’ll use the trivet. A trivet that is too large or too small can look out of place.
  • Aesthetic: Larger trivets offer more space for intricate patterns and designs, making them not just functional but also decorative pieces.

Essential Tools And Materials

Crocheting a trivet is a simple yet satisfying project that requires just a few essential tools and materials. Here’s a list of essentials you’ll need to get started:

  • Yarn: Opt for cotton or wool as they are heat-resistant and durable. The thickness of the yarn can vary depending on the desired size and texture of the trivet.
  • Crochet Hook: The hook size should be appropriate for the yarn you’re using. A larger hook will create a looser fabric, while a smaller hook will produce a denser fabric. Check the yarn label for recommended hook sizes.
  • Scissors: A good pair of sharp scissors is essential for cutting the yarn when you finish your project or need to change colors.
  • Yarn Needle: This is used to weave in the ends of the yarn once your trivet is complete, giving it a neat finish.
  • Stitch Markers: These help mark the beginning of a round or a particular stitch, especially if you’re working in a spiral or following a complex pattern.
  • Pattern: Whether you’re following a simple design or an intricate one, having a pattern to guide you is crucial. You can find patterns in craft books or online, or you can even create your own.
  • Heat-Resistant Lining (Optional): For added protection against heat, you can sew a heat-resistant lining, such as insulated batting or silicone mat, to the back of your trivet.
  • Measuring Tape: To ensure your trivet is the desired size, a measuring tape can come in handy, especially if you’re following a specific pattern or creating a set.
  • Glossary For Crochet Stitches & Techniques

    Here’s a glossary of common crochet stitches and techniques that you might encounter in various patterns:

    • Chain (ch): The foundation of most crochet projects, created by making consecutive loops.
    • Slip Stitch (sl st): Used to join stitches together or to move the working yarn across a row without adding height.
    • Single Crochet (sc): A basic crochet stitch that creates a dense and firm fabric.
    • Half Double Crochet (hdc): A stitch taller than a single crochet but shorter than a double crochet.
    • Double Crochet (DC): A standard crochet stitch that’s taller and creates a looser fabric than the single crochet.
    • Treble Crochet (tr): Also known as triple crochet, it’s a tall stitch that creates an even more open and airy fabric than the double crochet.
    • Magic Ring or Circle: A technique to start crochet projects in the round without leaving a hole in the center.
    • Increase (inc): Adding stitches to a row or round widens the project.
    • Decrease (dec): Combining stitches to reduce the total number of stitches typically used to shape the project.
    • Yarn Over (yo): Bringing the yarn over the crochet hook is a fundamental movement used in many crochet stitches.
    • Turning Chain (tch or ch-sp): Chain stitches made at the end of a row before turning the work, often used to provide the necessary height for the next row.
    • Front Loop Only (FLO) and Back Loop Only (BLO): Crocheting into only the front or back loop of a stitch, creating a ribbed texture.
    • Bobble Stitch: A textured stitch made by partly completing several double crochets into the same stitch and binding them together.
    • Cluster Stitch: Similar to the bobble stitch, it usually involves different types of stitches grouped.
    • Shell Stitch: Several stitches are worked into the same stitch, creating a fan or shell shape.
    • Puff Stitch: Similar to a bobble, but puffier and softer, made by half-closing several half-double crochets together.
    • Popcorn Stitch: This is made by working several stitches into the same space, removing the hook, pulling the loop through, and securing it to create a “popcorn” effect.
    • Picot: A small loop made of chain stitches, often used as a decorative edging.
    • Gauge: The number of stitches and rows per inch is essential for ensuring the final project is the correct size.
    • Blocking: Shaping and setting your finished project using water or steam ensures the correct size and lacework.

    Understand Crochet Stitches And Techniques.

    Diving into the world of crochet can feel like learning a new language. As an avid crocheter, I’ve found the key is to start with the basics. Familiarize yourself with the fundamental stitches—chain, single, double, and treble crochets.

    They form the backbone of most patterns. Techniques like increasing, decreasing, and working in the round build upon these stitches, allowing for shape and texture variation. It’s crucial to understand crochet abbreviations, as patterns often use them.

    Practice consistently, stitch by stitch, and soon, you’ll decode patterns easily, translating those cryptic abbreviations into beautiful, tangible creations. Happy hooking!

    Which Yarn Is Best For A Crochet Trivet?

    As a crochet enthusiast who’s worked with various yarns, I’ve found that not all are created equal, especially when crafting trivets. The ideal yarn for trivets must be heat-resistant and durable. Here are my top picks:

    • Cotton Yarn: My go-to choice. It’s heat-resistant, washable, and comes in a variety of colors. Its absorbent nature also makes it practical for kitchen use.
    • Wool Yarn: Another excellent option, thanks to its natural heat-resistant properties. Just be mindful that some wool yarns are not machine washable.
    • T-shirt Yarn: This yarn is thick and sturdy, providing a chunky look and excellent heat protection. It is made from recycled t-shirt fabric.
    • Jute and Hemp: These natural fibers offer a rustic aesthetic. They’re incredibly heat-resistant but can be a bit rough, so I reserve them for decorative trivets.
    • Acrylic Yarn: While easily accessible and available in vibrant colors, it’s not my first choice for trivets due to its low melting point.

    How Much Yarn Do I Need To Crochet A Trivet?

    When I set out to crochet a trivet, the amount of yarn I’ll need largely depends on the trivet’s size, thickness, and the complexity of the stitch pattern.

    For a standard medium-sized trivet (about 7-9 inches in diameter) using worsted weight cotton yarn and a simple stitch pattern like single or double crochet, I typically set aside about 50-100 yards.

    If I’m opting for a bulkier yarn or a more intricate stitch that uses up more yarn, like a bobble or puff stitch, I’ll increase that estimate to around 100-150 yards to be on the safe side.

    It’s always better to have extra yarn than to run out mid-project. Over time, as you crochet more trivets, you’ll develop a sense of how much yarn your favorite patterns and stitches require.

    RELATED: 55 Crochet Bottle Holder And Wine Cozy Patterns To Enhance Your Drinks

    Is It Beginner Friendly?

    Crocheting a trivet is beginner-friendly! In my experience teaching crochet, trivets are among the first projects I recommend to newbies. They typically involve basic stitches like the chain and single crochet, offering a wonderful canvas to practice maintaining even tension and mastering stitch consistency.

    Since trivets are relatively small, they’re quick to complete, providing instant gratification and a boost of confidence for beginners. Plus, there’s no pressure about sizing as with garments, making trivets a low-stress, enjoyable project for those just starting their crochet journey.

    How To Crochet A Beginner-Friendly Trivet?

    Skill Level




    • Round 1: Start with a magic ring (alternatively, you can ch 4 and sl st into the first ch to form a ring). Ch 3 (counts as your first dc), then work 11 dc into the ring. Sl st to the top of the beginning ch-3 to close the round. (12 dc)
    • Round 2: Ch 3 (counts as your first dc), dc in the same stitch. Work 2 dc in each stitch around. Sl st to the top of the beginning ch-3 to close the round. (24 dc)
    • Round 3: Ch 3 (counts as your first dc), dc in the same stitch, dc in the next stitch, 2 dc in the next stitch. Now, Repeat – around. Next, Sl st to the top of the beginning ch-3 to close the round. (36 dc)
    • Round 4: Ch 3 (counts as your first dc), dc in the same stitch, dc in the next 2 stitches, and 2 dc in the following stitch. Repeat – around. Sl st to the top of the beginning ch-3 to close the round. (48 dc)
    • Round 5: Ch 1 (does not count as a stitch), sc in the same stitch and each stitch around. Sl st to the first sc to close the round. (48 sc)


    Cut the yarn, leaving a tail. Use your yarn needle to weave in the ends. If desired, block your trivet to shape it neatly.

    Thematic Breakdown Of 90 Crochet Trivet Patterns

    1. Farmhouse Heart Trivet

    Add a touch of love to your kitchen with this charming farmhouse heart trivet. Its rustic design and sturdy construction make it a delightful and practical addition to your culinary space.

    Farmhouse Heart Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Lily Sugar 'n Cream - Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    2. Farmhouse Trivet

    Embrace the simplicity of farmhouse style with this classic and versatile trivet, designed to protect your surfaces from hot dishes while adding a rustic touch to your kitchen decor.

    Farmhouse Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Lily Sugar 'n Cream - Cotton Yarn 

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    3. Rustic Round Trivet

    Infuse your dining experience with a rustic charm using this round trivet, perfect for protecting your tables and countertops with its earthy and textured design.

    Rustic Round Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    4. Bobble Hexagon Trivet

    Elevate your kitchen with this playful and textured bobble hexagon trivet, designed to add a touch of visual interest to your dining space while providing reliable protection for your surfaces.

    Bobble Hexagon Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Advanced

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    5. Boho Trivet

    Add a bohemian flair to your kitchen with this stylish and intricate boho trivet, perfect for protecting your countertops and tables while showcasing your unique style.

    Boho Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Lily Sugar 'n Cream – Cotton Yarn 

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    6. T-Shirt Trivet

    Get creative with this innovative t-shirt trivet, crafted with a unique design that adds a fun and contemporary touch to your kitchen decor. Its practicality and charm make it a must-have accessory for any modern home.

    T-Shirt Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: T-shirt Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Super Bulky (6)

    Crochet Hook: 9.0mm (M/N-13)

    Go to Pattern

    7. Extra Thick Trivet

    Ensure maximum surface protection with this extra thick trivet, crafted for heavy-duty use and designed to withstand high temperatures while maintaining a stylish and modern aesthetic.

    Extra Thick Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Super Bulky Weight Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Super Bulky (6)

    Crochet Hook: 9.0mm (M/N-13)

    Go to Pattern

    8. The Cypress Trivet

    Bring the essence of the outdoors into your kitchen with this elegant Cypress trivet inspired by the natural beauty of the forest. Its intricate design and durable construction make it a striking and practical addition to any home.

    The Cypress Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Cotton Yarn (e.g., Lily Sugar 'n Cream)

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    9. Crochet Cotton Trivet

    Embrace the traditional crochet charm with this cotton trivet, offering a classic and reliable solution for protecting your surfaces while maintaining a timeless and elegant look in your kitchen.

    Crochet Cotton Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Aunt Lydia's Fashion 3-Crochet Cotton Thread 

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Thread (0)

    Crochet Hook: 2.25mm (B-1)

    Go to Pattern

    10. Woven Wood Trivet

    Add a touch of sophistication to your kitchen with this woven wood trivet, combining the natural beauty of wood with the intricate craftsmanship of crochet. Its fusion of materials creates a stylish and functional accessory for your culinary space.

    Woven Wood Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Jute Twine

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Super Bulky (6)

    Crochet Hook: 10.0mm (N/P-15)

    Go to Pattern

    11. Chicken Trivet

    Add a touch of whimsy to your kitchen with this delightful chicken trivet, crafted with attention to detail and designed to protect your surfaces while showcasing a charming farm-inspired design.

    Chicken Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    12. Honeycomb Texture Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with the beauty of nature with this honeycomb texture trivet, offering a visually striking and durable solution for protecting your surfaces while adding a touch of natural elegance to your dining space.

    Honeycomb Texture Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 4.5mm (7)

    Go to Pattern

    13. Easy Crochet Trivet

    Please keep it simple and practical with this easy crochet trivet, designed for effortless use and reliable surface protection. Its straightforward design and practical functionality make it a valuable addition to any kitchen.

    Easy Crochet Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    14. Chunky Rustic Trivet

    Embrace the cozy warmth of a rustic aesthetic with this chunky trivet, featuring a durable and textured design that adds style and protection to your kitchen surfaces.

    Chunky Rustic Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Super Bulky Weight Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Super Bulky (6)

    Crochet Hook: 9.0mm (M/N-13)

    Go to Pattern

    15. Autumn Rustic Kitchen Trivet

    Celebrate the beauty of the fall season with this autumn rustic kitchen trivet, designed to protect your surfaces with a charming and seasonal-inspired design. Its durability and visual appeal make it an essential accessory for your autumnal kitchen decor.

    Autumn Rustic Kitchen Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 4.5mm (7)

    Go to Pattern

    16. Swanky Chicken Trivet

    Add a flair to your kitchen with this swanky chicken trivet, offering both style and functionality for protecting your surfaces. Its playful design and reliable construction make it a delightful and practical addition to any home.

    Swanky Chicken Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 4.5mm (7)

    Go to Pattern

    17. Origami-Style Trivet

    Bring an element of artistry to your kitchen with this origami-style trivet, featuring a unique and visually captivating design that serves as a protective surface and a striking decorative piece.

    Origami-Style Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    18. Thermal Trivet

    Prioritize heat protection with this thermal trivet, designed to withstand high temperatures and provide reliable surface insulation. Its practical design and durable construction make it an essential tool for any kitchen.

    Thermal Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    19. Round Trivet

    Please keep it simple and functional with this classic round trivet, offering reliable protection for your surfaces with its versatile and timeless design. Its practicality and understated elegance make it a valuable addition to any culinary space.

    Round Trivet

    Suggested Yarn:   Lily Sugar 'n Cream - Cotton Yarn 

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    20. Latticework Trivet

    Add a touch of sophistication to your kitchen with this latticework trivet, featuring an intricate and visually appealing design that protects your surfaces while adding a stylish element to your dining area.

    Latticework Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Lily Sugar 'n Cream- Cotton Yarn 

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    21. Trendy Trivet Set

    Elevate your kitchen decor with this trendy trivet set, offering a stylish and coordinated solution for protecting your surfaces in a contemporary and visually striking manner. Its functionality and modern aesthetic make it a valuable addition to any home.

    Trendy Trivet Set

    Suggested Yarn: Lily Sugar 'n Cream-Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    22. Rainbow Kitchen Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with vibrant colors with this rainbow kitchen trivet, designed to protect your surfaces while adding a cheerful and lively touch to your dining space. Its durability and playful design make it a delightful and practical accessory for any home.

    Rainbow Kitchen Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Lily Sugar 'n Cream-Cotton Yarn 

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    23. Herringbone Trivet 

    Add a touch of elegance to your kitchen with this herringbone trivet, showcasing a sophisticated and visually appealing pattern that provides reliable protection for your surfaces while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your dining area.

    Herringbone Trivet 

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    24. Super-Thick Trivet

    Ensure maximum heat protection with this super-thick trivet, crafted with a durable and heavily insulated design that safeguards your surfaces from hot dishes and cookware. Its reliability and practicality make it an essential tool for any kitchen.

    Super-Thick Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Super Bulky Weight Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Super Bulky (6)

    Crochet Hook: 9.0mm (M/N-13)

    Go to Pattern

    25. Sunflower Trivet

    Embrace the sun’s warmth with this charming sunflower trivet, featuring a delightful and visually appealing design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of natural beauty to your kitchen decor.

    Sunflower Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    26. Elegant Round Trivet

    Prioritize style and sophistication with this elegant round trivet, offering a refined and visually striking solution for protecting your surfaces while adding a touch of timeless beauty to your kitchen.

    Elegant Round Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    Get Pattern: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1473779244/round-potholder-crochet-pattern-digital

    27. Koton Trivet

    Combine comfort and style with this Koton trivet, designed with traditional craftsmanship and modern aesthetics to provide reliable surface protection with a touch of elegance and charm.

    Koton Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Lily Sugar 'n Cream- Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    28. Double Sided Trivet

    Optimize your kitchen protection with this double-sided trivet, offering versatility and durability with its reversible design. Its practicality and functional appeal make it a valuable and reliable accessory for any culinary space.

    Double Sided Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Lily Sugar 'n Cream-Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    29. The Daybreak Trivet

    Embrace the beauty of a new day with this Daybreak trivet, featuring a stunning and intricate design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of natural inspiration to your kitchen decor.

    The Daybreak Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    30. Modern Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with a contemporary flair with this modern trivet, showcasing a sleek and sophisticated design that combines style with reliable surface protection. Its practicality and visual appeal make it an essential accessory for any home.

    Modern Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    31. Tulip Cup

    These charming accessories can add a touch of springtime elegance to your home decor. Using a combination of colorful yarns, you can craft the tulip’s petals with intricate stitches, giving them a lifelike appearance. The addition of green leaves completes the natural look.

    Tulip Cup

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    32. Thermal Stitch Trivet

    Ensure optimal heat protection with this thermal stitch trivet, crafted with specialized stitching techniques to provide reliable insulation for your surfaces. Its practical design and durable construction make it an essential tool for any kitchen.

    Thermal Stitch Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    33. Pumpkin Pie Trivet

    Celebrate fall flavors with this charming pumpkin pie trivet, designed to protect your surfaces with a festive and seasonal-inspired design. Its durability and visual appeal make it a delightful and practical addition to your autumn kitchen decor.

    Pumpkin Pie Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    34. Double Layered Circular Trivet

    Prioritize maximum heat protection with this double-layered circular trivet, offering a sturdy and insulated solution for safeguarding your surfaces from hot cookware and dishes. Its reliability and functionality make it an essential tool for any kitchen.

    Double Layered Circular Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    35. Simple Crochet Trivet

    Keep it straightforward and practical with this simple crochet trivet, designed for easy use and reliable surface protection. Its minimalist design and practical functionality make it a valuable addition to any culinary space.

    Simple Crochet Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    36. Even Moss Stitch Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with a textured charm using this even moss stitch trivet, providing both visual interest and reliable protection for your surfaces. Its intricate design and durable construction make it a delightful and functional addition to your culinary collection.

    Even Moss Stitch Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    37. Circular Kitty Trivet

    Add a playful touch to your kitchen with this circular kitty trivet, featuring an adorable and whimsical design that protects your surfaces while adding a charming and endearing element to your dining area.

    Circular Kitty Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    38. Easy Crochet Trivet

    Simplify your kitchen protection with this easy crochet trivet, designed for quick and efficient use while providing reliable surface protection. Its user-friendly design and sturdy construction make it a practical and essential accessory for any home cook.

    Easy Crochet Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    39. Tapestry Crochet Trivet

    Add a touch of artistry to your kitchen with this tapestry crochet trivet, showcasing intricate and visually captivating patterns that protect your surfaces while adding a stylish and decorative element to your dining area.

    Tapestry Crochet Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    40. Speed Cro Sheen Vintage Crochet Trivet

    Embrace vintage charm with this speed cro sheen trivet, offering a nostalgic and visually appealing solution for protecting your surfaces. Its retro aesthetic and durable construction make it a valuable addition to any vintage-inspired kitchen.

    Speed Cro Sheen Vintage Crochet Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Cotton Cro Sheen Thread

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Thread (0)

    Crochet Hook: 2.25mm (B-1)

    Go to Pattern

    41. Zig Zag Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with dynamic energy with this zig-zag trivet, featuring a striking and visually captivating design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of contemporary flair to your dining space.

    Zig Zag Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    42. Beginner Crochet Trivet

    Start your crochet journey with this beginner-friendly trivet, which offers a simple yet effective solution for protecting your surfaces. Its straightforward design and reliable functionality make it an ideal starting point for anyone new to crochet.

    Beginner Crochet Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    43. Mushroom Trivet

    Add a whimsical touch to your kitchen with this mushroom trivet, featuring a charming and nature-inspired design that protects your surfaces while adding a delightful and playful element to your dining area.

    Mushroom Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    45. Farmhouse Kitchen Blossom Trivet

    Embrace the beauty of spring with this farmhouse kitchen blossom trivet, showcasing a delicate and floral-inspired design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of natural elegance to your dining area.

    Farmhouse Kitchen Blossom Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    46. Pine Ridge Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with the spirit of the forest with this Pine Ridge trivet, featuring a sturdy and nature-inspired design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of rustic charm to your culinary space.

    Pine Ridge Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    47. Chinese Trivet

    Add an exotic flair to your kitchen with this Chinese trivet, showcasing intricate and culturally inspired patterns that protect your surfaces while adding a touch of global elegance to your dining area.

    Chinese Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    48. Altura Trivet

    Elevate your kitchen decor with this Altura trivet, featuring a sophisticated and visually striking design that provides reliable surface protection while adding a touch of modern elegance to your culinary space.

    Altura Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    49. Padded Trivet

    Prioritize comfort and protection with this padded trivet, featuring a soft and cushioned design that safeguards your surfaces from heat and scratches while adding a cozy and inviting touch to your kitchen.

    Padded Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    50. Vibrant Trivet & Runner Set

    Optimize your kitchen decor with this vibrant trivet and runner set, offering a coordinated and visually appealing solution for protecting your surfaces and adding a pop of color and style to your dining area.

    Vibrant Trivet & Runner Set

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    51. Housewarming Trivet

    Celebrate new beginnings with this housewarming trivet, featuring a charming and welcoming design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of warmth and hospitality to your kitchen.

    Housewarming Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    52. Foursquare Trivet

    Please keep it simple and functional with this foursquare trivet, offering reliable protection for your surfaces in a classic and versatile design. Its practicality and understated elegance make it a valuable addition to any culinary space.

    Foursquare Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    53. Set Of 2 Sunflower Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with the beauty of sunflowers with this set of two sunflower trivets, offering a charming and nature-inspired solution for protecting your surfaces while adding a cheerful and inviting touch to your dining area.

    Set Of 2 Sunflower Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    54. Crochet Square Trivet

    Prioritize style and function with this crochet square trivet, featuring a visually striking and durable design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of elegance and charm to your kitchen.

    Crochet Square Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    55. 3 Thermal Stitch Crochet Trivet

    Ensure maximum heat protection with this set of three thermal stitch crochet trivets, designed with specialized stitching techniques to provide reliable insulation for your surfaces. Their practical design and durable construction make them essential tools for any kitchen.

    Thermal Stitch Crochet Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    56. Sweet Home Trivet

    Celebrate the comforts of home with this sweet home trivet, featuring a cozy and inviting design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of warmth and hospitality to your kitchen.

    Sweet Home Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    57. Watermelon Trivet

    Embrace the freshness of summer with this watermelon trivet, showcasing a delightful and seasonal-inspired design that protects your surfaces while adding a playful and refreshing element to your kitchen.

    Watermelon Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    58. Sunshine Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with the brightness of sunshine with this charming sunshine trivet, offering reliable surface protection while adding a cheerful and lively touch to your dining area.

    Sunshine Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    59. Ombre Trivet And Mug Rug Set

    Elevate your kitchen decor with this ombre trivet and mug rug set, offering a coordinated and visually appealing solution for protecting your surfaces and adding a touch of modern elegance to your dining area.

    Ombre Trivet And Mug Rug Set

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    60. Boho Trivet

    Add a bohemian touch to your kitchen with this stylish boho trivet, showcasing intricate and visually captivating patterns that protect your surfaces while adding a trendy and artistic element to your dining space.

    Boho Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    61. Gingerbread Man And Candy Trivet

    Embrace the sweetness of the holidays with this gingerbread man and candy trivet, featuring a delightful and festive design that protects your surfaces while adding a playful and charming touch to your kitchen.

    Gingerbread Man And Candy Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    62. Bee Trivet

    Add a touch of nature’s charm to your kitchen with this bee trivet, featuring a delightful and whimsical design that protects your surfaces while showcasing the beauty of these industrious creatures.

    Bee Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    63. Sunflower Hexagon Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with the beauty of sunflowers with this hexagon-shaped trivet, offering a charming and nature-inspired solution for protecting your surfaces while adding a cheerful and inviting touch to your dining area.

    Sunflower Hexagon Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    64. Bobble Stitch Trivet

    Prioritize style and function with this bobble stitch trivet, featuring a visually striking and textured design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of elegance and charm to your kitchen.

    Bobble Stitch Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    65. Quick Crochet Trivet

    Simplify your kitchen protection with this quick crochet trivet, designed for efficient use and reliable surface protection. Its user-friendly design and sturdy construction make it a practical and essential accessory for any home cook.

    Quick Crochet Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    66. Meadow Hexagon Trivet

    Bring the beauty of a meadow into your kitchen with this hexagon-shaped trivet, showcasing a delicate and nature-inspired design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of natural elegance to your dining area.

    Meadow Hexagon Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    67. Bobble Hexagon Trivet

    Add a touch of texture and geometric charm to your kitchen with this bobble hexagon trivet, featuring a delightful and visually captivating design that protects your surfaces while adding a modern and stylish element to your dining area.

    Bobble Hexagon Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    68. Easy Sunflower Trivet

    Please keep it simple and cheerful with this easy sunflower trivet, offering reliable protection for your surfaces in a classic and versatile design. Its practicality and understated elegance make it a valuable addition to any culinary space.

    Easy Sunflower Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    69. Quick And Easy Hexagon Trivet

    Simplify your kitchen decor with this quick and easy hexagon trivet, offering efficient surface protection with a visually appealing and versatile design. Its functionality and modern aesthetic make it a valuable addition to any home.

    Quick And Easy Hexagon Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Beginner

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.0mm (H-8)

    Go to Pattern

    70. Honeycomb Kitchen Decor Trivet

    Add a touch of geometric charm to your kitchen with this honeycomb-inspired trivet, featuring an intricate and visually striking design that protects your surfaces while adding a modern and stylish element to your dining area.

    Honeycomb Kitchen Decor Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    71. The Presina Trivet

    Elevate your kitchen decor with this elegant Presina trivet, showcasing a sophisticated and visually appealing design that provides reliable surface protection while adding a touch of timeless beauty to your culinary space.

    The Presina Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    72. The Mandala Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with harmony and balance with this mandala-inspired trivet, offering a visually captivating design and reliable surface protection. Its intricate patterns and durable construction make it a valuable and stylish addition to any home.

    The Mandala Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    73. Horse Trivet

    Add an equestrian touch to your kitchen with this horse-themed trivet, featuring a charming and whimsical design that protects your surfaces while showcasing the beauty and grace of these majestic animals.

    Horse Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    74. Charming Country Chicken Trivet

    Embrace the charm of the countryside with this country chicken trivet, offering both protection and style for your surfaces. Its delightful design and reliable construction make it a delightful and practical addition to any home.

    Charming Country Chicken Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    75. Northern Trivet

    Bring the spirit of the North into your kitchen with this Northern-themed trivet, featuring a sturdy and visually striking design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of rugged and natural elegance to your dining area.

    Northern Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    76. Lucky Sevens Trivet

    Add a touch of luck to your kitchen with this Lucky Sevens trivet, featuring an eye-catching and playful design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of whimsy charm to your culinary space.

    Lucky Sevens Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    77. Woodhaven Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with the warmth of wood with this Woodhaven trivet, offering both protection and a natural aesthetic for your surfaces. Its durable construction and rustic charm make it a delightful and practical addition to any home.

    Woodhaven Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    78. Tortoise Hot Pad Trivet

    Add a touch of nature’s resilience to your kitchen with this tortoise hot pad trivet, featuring a sturdy and visually striking design that protects your surfaces while showcasing the beauty and strength of these ancient creatures.

    Tortoise Hot Pad Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    79. Kitchen Trivet

    Please keep it simple and functional with this classic Kitchen trivet, offering reliable protection for your surfaces in a versatile and timeless design. Its practicality and understated elegance make it a valuable addition to any culinary space.

    Kitchen Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    80. Jasmine Stitch Crochet Trivet

    Add a touch of elegance to your kitchen with this jasmine stitch crochet trivet, featuring an intricate and visually appealing design that protects your surfaces while adding a sense of refinement and sophistication to your dining area.

    Jasmine Stitch Crochet Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    81. Crochet Santa Trivet

    Embrace the holiday spirit with this crochet Santa trivet, offering protection and festive cheer for your surfaces. Its delightful design and reliable construction make it a charming and practical addition to any holiday kitchen.

    Crochet Santa Trivet

    Suggested YarnWorsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    82. Puff Dreams Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with a dreamy touch with this puff dreams trivet, showcasing a soft and visually captivating design that protects your surfaces while adding a cozy and inviting element to your dining area.

    Puff Dreams Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    83. Goose Trivet

    Add a touch of nature’s grace to your kitchen with this goose trivet, featuring a charming and whimsical design that protects your surfaces while showcasing the beauty and elegance of these majestic birds.

    Goose Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    84. Modern Triangles And Stitched Trivet

    Elevate your kitchen decor with this modern triangle and stitched trivet, offering a contemporary and visually appealing solution for protecting your surfaces and adding a touch of modern elegance to your dining area.

    Modern Triangles And Stitched Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    85. Hot Pot Trivet

    Prioritize maximum heat protection with this hot pot trivet, featuring a sturdy and insulated design that safeguards your surfaces from hot cookware and dishes. Its reliability and functionality make it an essential tool for any kitchen.

    Hot Pot Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    86. Pig Trivet

    Add a touch of farmhouse charm to your kitchen with this pig trivet, featuring a delightful and whimsical design that protects your surfaces while showcasing the endearing and playful nature of these lovable animals.

    Pig Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    87. Falling Petals Trivet

    Embrace the beauty of nature’s transitions with this falling petals trivet, featuring an elegant and visually striking design that protects your surfaces while adding a touch of natural beauty and grace to your dining area.

    Falling Petals Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    88. Casita Trivet

    Infuse your kitchen with the cozy charm of a casita with this charming trivet, offering both protection and a homely aesthetic for your surfaces. Its durable construction and inviting design make it a delightful and practical addition to any home.

    Casita Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    89. Easy Double Thick Trivet

    Simplify your kitchen protection with this easy double-thick trivet, designed for optimal heat resistance and surface protection. Its user-friendly design and reliable functionality make it a practical and essential tool for any home cook.

    Easy Double Thick Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    90. Homestead Trivet

    Embrace the warmth of a homestead with this sturdy and reliable trivet, designed to protect your surfaces while adding a touch of traditional charm to your kitchen Prioritize protection and style with this chunky round trivet, featuring a thick and durable design that ensures your surfaces remain safe from heat and scratches.

    Homestead Trivet

    Suggested Yarn: Worsted Weight Cotton Yarn

    Difficulty Level: Intermediate

    Yarn Weight: Worsted (4)

    Crochet Hook: 5.5mm (I-9)

    Go to Pattern

    Tips & Tricks To Avoid Crochet Mistakes

    Creating the perfect crochet trivet is mastering the basics and paying attention to the details. Here are some tips and tricks to help you avoid common crochet mistakes:

  • Choose the Right Yarn: Opt for cotton or wool yarn as they are heat-resistant and durable, ideal for trivets.
  • Check Your Gauge: Make a test swatch to ensure your stitches match the pattern’s gauge. This step is crucial for achieving the right size and look.
  • Maintain Even Tension: Keep your yarn tension consistent to avoid tight or loose stitches, which can affect the trivet’s shape and functionality.
  • Count Your Stitches: At the end of each round or row, count your stitches to ensure you have the right number. This practice helps prevent an uneven edge.
  • Use Stitch Markers: Mark the beginning of each round, especially when working in a spiral, to keep track of your progress.
  • Secure Your Ends: Weave in your ends securely to prevent them from unraveling over time, especially since trivets will be washed frequently.
  • Avoid Twisting Chains: When joining chains to form a ring, ensure the chain isn’t twisted, as this can distort the shape of your trivet.
  • Block Your Trivet: Once finished, block your trivet to give it a professional finish and define its shape.
  • Practice the Magic Ring: For circular trivets, learn the magic ring technique to start your rounds. It creates a tight center with no hole.
  • Take Breaks: If you feel your hands getting tired or your tension changing, take a break. Crocheting should be enjoyable, not a strain.
  • How To Block The Crochet Trivet?

    Blocking is the final step in finishing your crochet trivet, helping to shape it and even out any inconsistencies. Here’s how you can block your crochet trivet step by step:

    Materials Needed


    Prepare the Surface: Lay your blocking board or foam mat on a flat surface. If you don’t have a blocking board, use any flat, water-resistant surface like a mattress or a layered towel.

    Pin The Trivet

    • Start by laying your trivet flat on the blocking surface. If it’s a circular trivet, you may use a measuring tape to check the diameter.
    • Begin pinning it down, starting from one side and working your way around, stretching it gently to the desired shape and size.
    • For square or rectangular trivets, align the edges to be straight and even.

    Wet the Trivet: Using a spray bottle, evenly mist your trivet with water until damp but not soaking wet. If you prefer steam blocking, hold a steam iron a few inches above the trivet and steam it evenly, being careful not to press down on the trivet.

    Allow It to Dry: Leave the trivet pinned until completely dry. It may take several hours or even a full day, depending on the humidity and air circulation in your room.

    Remove the Pins: Once the trivet is dry, carefully remove the pins. Your trivet should now hold its blocked shape.

    Final Touches: Give your trivet a final inspection and adjust any edges if necessary.

    RELATED: 53 Crochet Bowl Cozy Patterns To Add A Touch Of Joy And Protection

    Suggestions To Add Style & Personal Touch

    Adding style and a personal touch to your crochet trivets can transform them from functional kitchen items into unique art pieces. Here are various suggestions to infuse your personality into your trivet designs:

    • Color Play: Experiment with colors by incorporating multiple hues into your trivet. Ombre effects, stripes, or even a speckled yarn can add an extra pop.

    Texture Magic

    1. Introduce different stitches, such as bobbles.
    2. Puff stitches.
    3. Post stitches to create a textured, three-dimensional look that is visually appealing and practical for heat resistance.
    • Borders and Edgings: Add an ornate border or a simple scalloped edging to give your trivet a refined finish.
    • Mix in Materials: Combine yarn with wooden beads, buttons, or ribbons woven into the edges for a bohemian vibe.
    • Shapes and Themes: Move beyond traditional circles and squares. Try crocheting trivets in the shapes of leaves, animals, or any other motif that resonates with you.
    • Personalize with Initials: Crochet someone’s initials into the trivet or use surface slip stitching to add a name or a particular date.
    • Appliqués and Embellishments: Attach crochet appliqués like flowers, fruits, or any other shape to match the trivet to the kitchen’s decor or a seasonal theme.
    • Functional Add-ons: Incorporate a loop for hanging or a pocket for hand protection, enhancing both style and utility.
    • Fragrance Infusion: Infuse your trivet with a scent by incorporating aromatic herbs into the stuffing, turning it into a potpourri trivet.
    • Heirloom Quality: Create a trivet that tells a story, like using yarn from a cherished family member’s old clothing to add emotional value and uniqueness.

    Wash And Care Instructions

    Proper care and maintenance of your crochet trivets will ensure longevity and durability. Here are some wash and care instructions to keep them looking their best:


    • Check the Yarn Label: Always refer to the care instructions on the yarn label. Different fibers have different care requirements.
    • Hand Wash Preferred: Hand wash your trivets in lukewarm water using a mild detergent. Avoid twisting or wringing them, as this can cause them to lose shape.
    • Machine Wash: If the yarn label allows and you prefer machine washing, use a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent. Place the trivet in a mesh laundry bag to prevent stretching or snagging.


    • Air Dry: Once done with washing, gently wring out leftover water (don’t wring) and lay the trivet flat on a clean surface or towel to air dry. Reshape it as needed while it’s still damp.
    • Avoid High Heat: Never put your crochet trivets in the dryer, as heat can cause shrinkage or damage, especially for synthetic fibers like acrylic.

    Spot Cleaning

    • Immediate Attention: If your trivet gets a stain, try spot cleaning it immediately with a damp cloth and mild detergent.
    • Gentle Scrubbing: For tougher stains, use a soft-bristled brush and gently scrub the affected area. Rinse thoroughly.


    • Keep Flat: Store your trivets dry to retain their shape.
    • Avoid Compression: Don’t stack heavy items on your trivets when storing, as this can compress and misshape them.

    General Maintenance

    • Regular Inspections: Periodically check your trivets for any loose ends or damage and repair them promptly to prevent further unraveling.
    • Refresh Shape: If your trivet loses shape, wet it and block it again to restore its original form.

    Following these wash and care instructions will help your handmade crochet trivets withstand the test of time, remaining both beautiful and functional in your kitchen.

    trivet for home decor

    A Quick Recap

    Crochet trivet patterns offer a delightful blend of functionality and creativity. These patterns range from simple designs perfect for beginners to intricate ones that challenge more experienced crocheters.

    Using basic stitches and everyday materials like cotton yarn, you can craft trivets in various shapes, sizes, and colors, adding personal touches like textured stitches, appliqués, or unique borders.

    Not only do these handmade trivets protect surfaces from heat, but they also serve as charming home decor. With proper care, these crocheted creations can last years, making them practical kitchen essentials and treasured handmade items.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How Can I Add A Non-Slip Feature To My Crochet Trivets?

    You can sew a non-slip fabric or silicone backing to the bottom of your trivet to prevent it from sliding on smooth surfaces.

    What Stitches Are Best For Creating A Thick And Protective Crochet Trivet?

    Stitches like the bobble stitch, puff stitch, or even double crochet worked in the front or back loop can create a thicker fabric ideal for trivets.

    Can Crochet Trivets Also Be Used As Pot Holders?

    Yes, thicker crochet trivets can double as pot holders. However, ensure they are thick enough to protect your hands from heat.

    How Do I Block A Circular Crochet Trivet To Maintain Its Shape?

    Pin the trivet to a blocking mat in a circular shape, slightly stretching it as you pin. Mist it with water or steam, and let it dry completely before removing the pins.

    Is It Necessary To Use A Specific Type Of Hook When Crocheting Trivets?

    Generally, you can use any hook suitable for the yarn you’ve chosen. However, a smaller hook can produce tighter stitches, making the trivet denser and more heat-resistant.

    Sarah Reed
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